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      Anxiety/Trauma Counseling 

      Trauma is all around us and becoming more and more common. As the world becomes more complex we may experience not only childhood trauma, medical trauma, a pandemic, devastating fires and more. In spite of trauma, humans have a capacity to transform overwhelming experiences to build healthy connections. instead of "freezing", a technique animals use, people who have experienced trauma can learn to calmly respond in environments when they are triggered.

      Individuals with multiple traumas, or many types of trauma may have Complex Trauma (Complex PTSD). Complex trauma usually not only effects an individual but their relationships as well. Emotional reactivity may be due to trauma, current interactions or often both in a couple interaction cycle. These factors may create difficulty, blame, and confusion when they are not understood. Part of couples work is to sort through these areas,without minimizing any portion, and change negative interactions into a positive experence to develop a safe, trusting relationship. Specialization in trauma within a couples session is needed. Barbara has training in this important area.